Book Your Abu Dhabi Visit Visa Via

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Book Your Abu Dhabi Visit Visa Via4.5


Generally, a citizen of a foreign country who wishes to enter the Abu Dhabi must first obtain a visa, either on arrival visa or prepaid. On arrival visas are issued at the airport at free of cost and national who are not eligible needed to get a prepaid visa through a hotel, airline or local tour operator, that’s where Arooha Abu Dhabi coming and assisting you with the easiest way of getting a visa to Abu Dhabi. You can apply for your Abu Dhabi visa quickly and easily online.

Visa Information

Documents Required
On arrival nationals applying
long term Abu Dhabi Visas

If you are a 30 days on arrival nationals you may obtain 90 days prepaid tourist visa for your long stay, you need to provide.

  1. Digital copy of your passport
  2. Photograph of your self
Prepaid nationals applying Abu Dhabi visa

If you are not in the on arrival list, you may asked to provide additional documents to prove your legitimacy to get a tourist visa sponsored by Arooha based on your nationality, some national visas are unable to proceed.

  1. Digital copy of your passport
  2. Photograph of your self
  3. Contact details of your family or friend in UAE & their residence visa page*

* Those who do not have relatives or friends in Abu Dhabi, will be asked to comply with the security deposit or additional document required to before proceeding the visa

Tips Before Travel

Bring copies of your passport
Register with your embassy
Always have local cash

Arrangement & Helps

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